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The Hally bracelet espouses one of the moment’s central style motifs.  This is the modern Deco of the 2020s, with its warm metals, strong colour contrasts and bisecting, linear motifs.  

A repeating design, the Hally offers patterns of juxtaposition and segmentation which provide visual interest and tension. Harmony is maintained throughout by the simplicity of colour choice and in the clean lines of the bracelet itself.  

It has been created using glass beads which are gold-plated and a deep navy blue.  The bracelet is 15.4cm in length and the extension chain adds another 6cm of length once it is on the wrist, if required.  All fastenings on the bracelet are gold-plated or gold filled.

Regular price £90.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £90.00 GBP
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