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The Aster bracelet is my ultimate celebration of the glorious age of Art Deco.   The design came to me like a gift, on an evening when creativity seemed far.  Named ‘Aster’ after the Greek for her central star motif, she is easily the largest and most glamourous bracelet in my collection.  

Designed using quintessentially Deco motifs such as the chevron and the right-angle, she also carries the classic gold and green/turquoise of the Deco period.  The Aster is the widest bracelet I make at 5.5cm and when worn, she creates a full ‘cuff’ of colour and style.  A unique statement piece that will inevitably catch every eye.

It has been created using glass beads which are gold-plated and an interesting ever-changing turquoise.  The bracelet is 14.6cm in length and the double extension chains add another 8cm of length once it is on the wrist, if required.  All fastenings on the bracelet are gold-plated or gold filled.

Regular price £150.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £150.00 GBP
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